Here you will find the current and older versions of SLCacheViewer. It is generally recommended that you use the latest version unless you have a specific reason not to, as it will have the most features and bug fixes.
By downloading this software, you agree to the terms set forth in the license.
Current Version: 1.1.4

To install, extract the contents of the zip file somewhere. Then you can run the application by running SLCacheViewer.exe.
You will also need to install these components, if you do not already have them on your system:
- .NET Framework 4.0 (or later) - available here (from Microsoft)
C++ Runtime. Due to different libraries using different versions, you may need to install multiple runtime versions.
- DirectX 9.0c Runtime - available here (from Microsoft)
Available Platforms
SLCacheViewer is built and maintained only for Windows operating systems. There are no plans to ever port it to other platforms.
The tool is primarily developed for Windows 7, but will also run in Windows 8 and should run in Windows Vista (untested). Older versions of the tool also support XP, but it is no longer supported in newer versions.
Update: Starting with version 1.1.2, Windows XP is no longer a supported platform. It might still work, but it is not being tested anymore.
Some users have reported that newer versions still work in XP if they install the correct C++ runtime. (It became difficult to maintain a version of the tool that worked reliably in XP and the latest Windows versions. So, XP support was dropped. We no longer have an XP installation to test against, and we are not doing separate builds of the tool and its dependencies against fully XP compatible versions of the C++ runtime, meaning there could potentially be stability issues running it in XP.)
Linux/Mac (unsupported)
Some people have reported being able to run the tool on Linux and Mac OS X platforms by using Wine. This is not officially supported or tested, and we don't know exactly what is involved in setting that up, but you are welcome to try it if you feel comfortable with it. If you have got it to work, and want to share the "how to" with everyone else, please feel free to contact us with the details, and we will include the information here on the website.
Older Versions
These are older version of the program. You shouldn't need these under normal circumstances, but they are here just in case. Note that some of the older versions may require older C++ runtimes, such as VS2010 or VS2010 SP1.
Note: Versions older than 1.1.3 do not support the new texture cache format that was adopted by viewers in January 2018.